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What We Do

Fantasy Board Game

Gaming Events

Come and Play TTRPGs, Board Games, Role Playing Games and Card Games.

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Come get your Cosplay on and share with a community of nerds.

DALL·E 2023-11-03 13.03.55 - Illustration of a busy scene at a comic convention's trade ar

Nerd Events

Enjoy all things Nerdy from gaming to trades and other hosted events.

DALL·E 2023-11-03 13.29.16 - Illustration in comic style of a cosplayer giving a demonstra


Come learn from the LARP, SCA, RENN FAIRE and other communities looking to share their nerd passion.

Comic Book Collection


Come and shop for comics, toys, clothes and other collectibles including art.



Look for your favorite nerdy art and meet creators of amazing art as well.

Spiderman Costume

Interested in Trades, Demos and Presentations?

Trades, Demos and Panels

Looking to Sell, show off your group or give advice.

Thanks for registering.

Looking to Volunteer 

Welcome to all our lovely nerds if feeling inspired to Volunteer or seek out other ways to help be sure to Register Below

Volunteer at Event

Join Us as We Bring Back Come and Get Your Comics On

Thanks for registering.

© 2035 by TTRPG Academy. Powered and secured by Wix

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